
Futujara The fujara (foo-ya-rah)is a large Slovakian overtone bass flute typically 5-6 feet in length. It has three tone holes on the lower part of the main body, usually made by hand from deciduous trees (elder, maple, locust). The instrument relies on the technique known as overblowing to play a diatonic scale (the seven note scale that we westerners are familiar with whether we know it or not).

Traditionally, the fujara was played by shepherds for recreation in the seclusion of Slovakian mountains. Today it is gaining some popularity among “native flute”players. Its majestic sound is rich with a wide spectrum of overtones. It is haunting, grieving, joyful, peaceful and melancholy.

Now, back to the FUTUjara. Nadishana and Brumberg have developed this version of the instrument using modern materials (the euro equivalent of pvc, but thinner walled) which makes it durable and resistant to extreme temps. Also, the instrument comes with four playing tubes which gives you the possibility of playing in the keys of C, D, A, and G. You can also play without the tubes (leaving you with just the headjoint) which mimic the sounds and style of the kalyuka (Russian overtone flute). Through a combination of overblowing and covering and uncovering the end of the tube with your hand, you can change the pitch(the fundamental is A)